• Tuesday, 17 September , 2024

Submission and Publication Procedure

       Time from submission to publication is on average 12 weeks.

      Before submission
      The authors are kindly requested to visit our web site www.moldmedjournal.md and strictly follow the directions of the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
      The authors have to obtain ORCID iD at https://orcid.org/register, to create Google Scholar profile at https://scholar.google.com and Research Gate profile at https://researchgate.net.
      Authors are responsible for the content of the article, confirming the use of only original scientific data. In case of borrowing materials from other researchers (or from an earlier publication of the given authors) the correct reference or citation should be made.
      Authors guarantee that submitted article has not been previously published in English or any other language nor simultaneously submitted to another journal.
      Authors should write the article in conformity with the Guide for Authors. Otherwise, the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the article from consideration for publication.
      The articles must be sent electronically to editor@moldmedjournal.md by the author, responsible for the correspondence, using the Authorship Statement Form and License Agreement.
      The Editorial Board evaluates the manuscripts for their intellectual content without any regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors..
      There is no submission fee, but the author is asked to familiarize with Article Processing Charges policy to consider institutional, sponsor or personal payments.
      Submitted articles are first put under consideration to decide whether a given article fits into the area of the journal thematic, then articles are sent to reviewers for further approval, usually to leading experts in the field. The names of the authors and reviewers and their affiliation are not shown to each other.
      For an article to be published, it must have a well-reasoned approval of the two reviewers, which is then considered and further approved by the Editorial Board. If one of two reviews is “negative”, the Editorial Board is approving the rejection or the article is sent to another reviewer.
      If the article requires some modifications, it is returned to the author(s) to be revised, taking into account the reviewer’s recommendations. The modified version is then again forwarded to the reviewer, to consider a possibility for the publication of the article.
      Publication procedure
      The accepted article is forwarded for scientific editing and proofreading. When the editorial corrector discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the work, it is his/her obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the author to correct or retract the paper.
      The authors, reviewers and corrector are asked to inform the Editorial Office if some grammar mistakes, figure or table displacements sneaked in the text of the article. The editor and publisher are always willing to publish the corrections, clarifications and apologies when needed.
      The final version is adjusted with authors for approving and for correction of possible inexactitudes. However, essential modifications by the author(s) after editing and proofreading are not allowed.
      In case an article is rejected, the author(s) receive a well-reasoned explanation from the Editorial Board.
      The rejected papers are given the opportunity for a formal appeal. The appeal requests should be made in writing to the Editorial Office. The author should provide the detailed reasons for the appeal and point-by-point responses to the reviewers' and editor's comments.
      If an appeal is rejected, the further appeals on the decision will not be considered and the paper will not be accepted again. The editor-in-chief confers with the other editors or reviewers in making this decision.