Open Access Statement
The Moldovan Medical Journal (MMJ) is an immediately and permanently online Fully Open Access Journal, which supports the Open Access Policy based on Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, released June 20, 2003, following all conditions. All articles in our journal are placed on web site and inserted to the data bases just after the issuance of the journal. Full-text access to articles is presented in real time regime free of charge and without any embargo period on the: - MMJ’s own web site (, - Publisher’s own separate web site (, - External local server of the Publishing House Sirius (, - External local server of National Bibliometric Instrument (, - Collective catalogue of Moldovan University Libraries Consortium (, - External distant (foreign) server of EuroPub (, - External distant (foreign) server of Russian Scientific Electronic Library(, - External distant (foreign) server of Russian library CYBERLENINKA ( - Other external libraries, repositories and data bases. In the Republic of Moldova, the State Policy in the field of sciences is based on the Code on Science and Innovation, Law No 259-XV adopted in July 15, 2004, which provides the guaranteed access to scientific information (ştiinţei-şi-inovării.pdf). The journal releases its articles under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0), which are described in the website’s chapter – Licensing terms.