• Friday, 19 April , 2024

Aims and Scope

       The aims of the Moldovan Medical Journal are to provide the international community with the results of scientific researches performed in the medical institutions of Moldova and inform the Moldovan medical society about the advanced achievements of medicine abroad.
      The scope of the journal is publication of independently submitted research and review articles, clinical studies and cases, lectures, brief reports and correspondence as well as official papers and editorials in medicine and health sciences.

Open Access Policy

       The Moldovan Medical Journal supports the Open Access policy. There are no fees to access the published articles. All the content of the journal is available on our web page in PDF immediately upon publication according to the Budapest, Berlin and Bethesda Open Access Initiative’s definition of Open Access (www.openaccessjournals.com). In the Republic of Moldova, the State policy in the field of sciences is based on the Code on Science and Innovation, adopted in July 15, 2004 (Law No 259-XV), which provides the guaranteed access to scientific information (usch.md/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Codul-ştiinţei-şi-inovării.pdf).

Copyright and License Policy

       The transfer of copyright agreement is expounded in the Authorship Statement Form. Along with it the journal site and its metadata are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4,0 International License that permits use, distribution, reproduction and adaptations in any medium as long as others share alike and the original work is properly cited (www.creativecommons.org).

Equal rights, Ethics and Malpractice

       Articles are accepted for consideration regardless of nationality, gender, race, and sexual orientation, ethical, religious and political beliefs of the authors.
       Ethics and malpractice guidelines of the journal are described in the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement and based on:
       - Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors made up by the Committee on Publication Ethics (www.publicationethics.org).
       - Uniform Manuscript Requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org).
       - World Association of Medical Editors principles (www.wame.org).
       - National Ethics Committee Standards of the Republic of Moldova (http://lex.justice.md/md/362783/).


       The Digital Objective Identifier (DOI) for articles is provided by Zenodo (www.zenodo.org) with the support of Information Society Development Institute (www.idsi.md).
       Extensible Markup Language (XML) format for every article of the journal is provided by Zenodo (www.zenodo.org) and National Bibliometric Instrument (www.ibn.idsi.md).
       The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) code is provided by the Scientific Medical Library of the Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (www.library.usmf.md).

Non-profit and non-commercial journal

       The Moldovan Medical Journal is a non-profit and non-commercial international publication that has no article processing or submission charges and no author’s emoluments. The journal is distributed free-of-charge to the members of the Scientific Medical Association of Moldova and by subscription in local and overseas libraries, as well.


       Publication of the journal is supported by the academic and scientific institutions of the Republic of Moldova:
       - Scientific Medical Association of Moldova (www.asmm.md)
       - Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (www.usmf.md)
       - Academy of Sciences of Moldova Medical Section (www.asm.md)
       - Institute of Mother and Child (www.mama-copilul.md)
       - Institute of Oncology (www.onco.md)
       - Institute of Cardiology (www.cardiology.asm.md)
       - Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (www.inn.md)
       - Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phthisiopneumology (www.ftiziopneumologie.asm.md)
       - Institute of Emergency Medicine (www.urgenta.md)
       - National Center of Public Health (www.cnps.md)
       - Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (www.amed.md)

       Publication of the journal is favored by the Council of Medical Experts of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova (www.msmps.gov.md)

Indexing, cataloging, rating

       The Moldovan Medical Journal is accepted into the international indexing databases:
       1. VINITI, All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute. Moscow, Russia (www.viniti.ru).
       2. Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory. Michigan, USA (www.ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com).
       3. Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources. Paris, France (www.road.issn.org).
       4. Zenodo organization. Geneve, Switzerland (www.zenodo.org).
       5. Scientific Electronic Library. Moscow, Russia (www.elibrary.ru).
       6. Russian Science Citation Index. Moscow, Russia (www.elibrary.ru/project_risc.asp).

       The Moldovan Medical Journal is listed in the catalogues:
      1. Central Scientific Medical Library. Moscow, Russia (www.scsml.rssi.ru).
      2. International Association of Academies of Sciences. Kiev, Ukraine (www.iaas.nas.gov.ua).
      3. East View Information Services. Minneapolis, USA (https://shop.eastview.com/results/item?SKU=5140480P).
      4. Atlant Clinical Inc. Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA (www.atlantclinical.com).
      5. Collective catalogue of Moldovan University Libraries Consortium (www.primo.libuniv.md).

      Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova appreciated the journal in category B+ (http://www.asm.md/?go=acte-administrative&n=2&new_language=0). Date 2017-12-21, Act number 169, Annexe 1.