Editorial Management
Selection Process of Editors
The Moldovan Medical Journal (MMJ) is an official periodical scientific publication of the Scientific Medical Association of Moldova (SMAM) that is the publisher (and owner) of the MMJ.
The SMAM selects the members of the Editorial Board at the general meeting for the period of two years. The Editorial Board selects the Editor-in-Chief, the Associate Editors and the Head of the Editorial Office. The criteria for the selection are: the editorial experience, the number of publications, realized grants, dissertations and membership in international professional societies. Details about the members of the Editorial Board can be found in the Editorial Board MENU (http://moldmedjoiurnal.md/editorial-board/).
The Scientific Medical Association of Moldova delegates the right to publish the journal to the editorial office Revista Curier Medical. The activity of the editorial office is independent from the influence of the scientific or administrative authorities, pharmaceutical companies or commercial individuals.
The online and printed versions of the MMJ are produced in collaboration with the printing house – Tipografia Sirius (www.sirius.md).
On the whole, the activity of the Editorial Board is based on the Statutes of the MMJ, approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova.
Details can be found in the submenu General Publisher Information.
Management Team Members
The members of the management team are engaged separately except the editor-in-chief and heard of the editorial office. The printing and online publication process involves procedures pertaining to set up and maintain the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, and archiving. The Management Team includes the following:
Boris Topor, MD, PhD, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Editor-in-Chief.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 20 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md; boris.topor@usmaf.md. Telephone: +37322205209, +37379429274.
Anatol Calistru, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Microsurgery, Head of the Editorial Office.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 20 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md; anatolie.calistru@gmail.com. Telephone: +37322205209.
Irina Litvinova, Master of Business Administration, Editorial Manager.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 25 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md. Telephone: + 37322205209.
Irina Gangan, Library and Biblography Specialist, Editorial Manager.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 15 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md. Telephone: + 37322205209.
Ludmila Martinenko, MA in English Philology, Editor of English.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 35 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md. Telephone: + 37322205209.
Viorica Cazac, MA in English Philology, Translator.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 5 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md. Telephone: + 37322205209.
Sergiu Spac, Information Technology Specialist, Server Manager.
Prior experience in scientific publishing – 12 years.
E-mail: editor@moldmedjournal.md. Telephone: + 37322205209.