• Tuesday, 17 September , 2024

Moldovan Medical Journal, October 2021, Vol. 64, No 4


Post-cardiac surgery bacterial contamination

Aliona Nastas
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):5-9  

Validation of the spectrophotometric method for the dosing of some combined capsules

Livia Uncu, Vladilena Evtodienco, Ecaterina Mazur, Elena Donici, Vladimir Valica
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):10-16  

Optimisation of the magistral semisolid formulations with furazidine used in urogenital infections

Diana Guranda, Cristina Ciobanu, Nicolae Ciobanu, Rodica Solonari
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):17-22  

Diastolic disorder inherent to doxorubicin cardiotoxicity

Lilia Tacu, Valeriu Cobet
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):23-28  

The general condition of patients requiring the alveolar bone crest reconstruction

Alexandru Ghetiu
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):29-34  

Mast cells in luminal vs non-luminal breast cancers

Ecaterina Carpenco, Veaceslav Fulga, Valeriu David, Ecaterina Foca, Lilian Saptefrati
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):35-38  

Structure of emergencies at the prehospital stage in Moldova from 2019-2020 years

Boris Golovin, Mihail Peștereanu, Tatiana Bicic, Svetlana Lupu, Ludmila Petcu, Nicolae Doni
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):39-44  

Current inconsistencies in the reporting of cases of intraabdominal retained textile foreign bodies

Serghei Gutu
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):45-49  

The screening by isoelectric focusing of transferrin for the diagnosis of congenital disorders of glycosylation

Daniela Blanita, Chiril Boiciuc, Doina Turcan, Victoria Sacara, Natalia Usurelu
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):50-54  

Spatial disparities in mortality by causes of death in the Republic of Moldova

Olga Penina
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):55-61  

Clinical and paraclinical manifestations in patients suspected of being infected with COVID-19

Ion Sirbu, Sergiu Matcovschi
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):62-65  

Low-dose anticholinergic therapy causes cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease patients

Olga Gavriliuc, Alexandru Andrusca, Lilian Popil, Mihail Gavriliuc
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):66-68  

Environmental toxic factors and clinical pattern of Parkinson’s disease

Lilia Rotaru
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):69-71  

Drug-resistant epilepsy: modern concepts, integrative mechanisms, and therapeutic advances

Vitalie Chiosa, Dumitru Ciolac, Viorica Chelban, Daniela Gasnas, Anatolie Vataman, Cristina Munteanu, Stanislav Groppa
Moldovan Medical Journal. October 2021;64(4):72-85